We are always delighted when OEs return to the College to share their invaluable experience with our current students.
Last year OEs made up one third of the attendees at the Fair and we hope to match, if not beat, that number in 2019. We are looking for a wide range of people from every sort of professional background. In the past we have had great representation from Law, Banking, Marketing, IT, the Arts, Engineering and Medicine. We are looking for representatives from these areas again but we want the range of professions to be as wide as possible - whatever your line of business we want to hear from you!
If you think you are able to take the time to visit us for the afternoon in January please contact Jo in the Alumni Office who would be pleased to hear from you and give you further details on the event. The benefit to the students from attending this Fair can, in some instances, be life changing. We would love you to be part of it.
alumni@stedmundscollege.org or call 01920 824358